Prices of roofing materials from stores in Tynwald

Category & Product Quantity Price US$ Store No
Roofing Materials
Bolt M10 x 120mm Mild Steel Tassburg
1.30 50
Fascia Board 9 x 3600 x225mm Turnall
10.93 50
Hoop Iron 20s
4.24 50
Nails 125mm x 1kg
2.51 50
Nails 40mm x 1kg Clout
2.72 50
Nails 75mm x 1kg
2.31 50
Roof Ridge Chromadeck
12.94 50
Roofing Sheets 0.4mm Ibr Chromadeck
33.25 50
Timber 114 x 38mm
10.50 49
Timber 114 x 38mm
19.89 50
Timber 152 x 38mm
13.50 49
Timber 228 x38mm
21.00 49
Timber 38 x 38mm
3.50 49
Timber 38 x 38mm
7.64 50
Timber 76 x 38mm
7.00 49
Timber 76 x 38mm x 6.6m
7.63 50
Truss Hangers Double
1.12 50
Truss Hangers Single
0.83 50

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